Seller Policy Pages

Seller Policy of 

All sellers are expected to adhere to the following policies when listing products on familyneeds24. Seller offenses and prohibited content can result in suspension of your familyneeds24 account. 


Seller code of conduct 


This policy requires that sellers act fairly and honestly on this site to ensure a safe buying and selling experience. All sellers must: 


  • Provide accurate information to familyneeds24 and our customers at all times 

  • Act fairly and not misuse familyneed24’s features or services 

  • Not attempt to damage or abuse another Seller, their listings or ratings 

  • Not attempt to influence customers’ ratings, feedback, and reviews 

  • Not send unsolicited or inappropriate communications 

  • Not contact customers except through Buyer-Seller Messaging 

  • Not attempt to circumvent the familyneed24 sales process 

  • Not operate more than one selling account on familyneeds24 without a legitimate business need 


Violating the Code of Conduct or any other familyneed24 policies may result in actions against your account, such as cancellation of listings, suspension or forfeiture of payments, and removal of selling privileges. More details about these policies are below. 


Accurate Information 


You must provide accurate information to familyneeds24 and our customers, and update the information if it changes. For example, this means that you must use a business name that accurately identifies your business and list your products in the correct category. 



Acting Fairly 



You must act fairly and lawfully and may not misuse any service provided by familyneeds24. Examples of unfair activities include: 


  • Providing misleading or inappropriate information to familyneeds24 or our customers, such as by creating multiple detail pages for the same product or posting offensive product images 

  • Manipulating sales rank (such as by accepting fake orders or orders that you have paid for) or making claims about sales rank in product titles or descriptions